Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blog Post 3

I've never been a very big fan of peer reviews. Actually, I really hate peer reviews. I never like telling someone that the thing that they put a lot of work into has mistakes, and I definitely don't enjoy hearing it. After watching What Is Peer Editing? and reading Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial, I do feel a little bit better about the whole process. I like the idea of putting a positive spin even on your criticism.
It can be difficult not to take personal offense to someone critiquing your work, but I think for the most part, they don't like saying it just as much as you don't like hearing it! After looking at those two resources, I had to take a step back and really think about the way I review and the way I take a review. The part that hit home the most with me was definitely in the video when she said not to take it personally. That's difficult for me, but it's something I fully intend to work on.

I think I've found myself in many of the position that were comically portrayed in Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes. I've experienced people who have no helpful feedback at all but still manage to make me feel incompetent, and I've had people give me great feedback in a very mean way. After watching that, I really will try to be much more intentional in my peer editing. Number one, I will be striving to do it in such a way that is helpful but doesn't make the person feel dumb. I'll also attempt to find the good in everything that I read. Because even when it really is bad, there is always something redeeming.


  1. " I never like telling someone that the thing that they put a lot of work into has mistakes,…" And you want to be a teacher. It is like a person who wants to be a nurse but does not like sticking needles in someone.

    Follow your own suggestions and practice. you will need a lot of it in the education profession!

  2. Hannah,

    My name is Gina and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM510 class. I have been assigned to your blog this week!

    I understand your reluctance at peer editing. It is a difficult thing to do; but as Dr. Strange has stated, it is a must. As you further your education you will come to value the peer editing/review process. As a future educator the lessons you have learned and will continue to learn are invaluable.
    Press forward and do not hesitate to make suggestions on how a peer can correct a paper. Also - know that you might make mistakes. I often rely on other teachers to validate my thoughts on a problem that I see continuously in students writing. If I were teaching with you, would you be willing to give me feedback? As students, teachers and soon to be educators we need to be able to appropriately critique each other and students.
    Don't sell yourself short. Have confidence in yourself and your knowledge.

    Feel free to follow me at
    Twitter: @DixeGirl

    You will learn a lot in EDM 310 so apply yourself and learn!
