Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blog Post 5

I learned so much from watching the conversations with Anthony Capps. It was very neat to hear from a 3rd grade teacher who is actually using all the things that we are using in this class. Every single one of the videos taught me something a little different, but most of them seemed to center around using technology in the classroom. You can use it in almost every aspect of teaching, and it really enhances how kids learn because you're incorporating things that they are already using.

In the first two videos I watched, Project Based Learning Part 1 and Part 2, it was very interesting to hear some examples of how he is actually using project based learning in his classroom. He is being recognized not just in his school but also all across the state, so obviously what he's doing is working! The fact that he could point out what to do when your projects don't go as planned like in the Afghanistan project, helped me to see how teachers have to constantly be ready for things to go wrong. He lists that quality of a teacher in the video Tips for Teachers as well, so it's obvious that that is a big part of what he does.

The other big thing that I learned through these videos is that these kids are running circles around us as far as technology is concerned. In the video Don't Teach Tech-Use it, he is talking about them easily using programs that I sometimes struggle to understand and often get frustrated with. This makes me really want to work harder to get the hang of all of it, and take advantage of things that I'm given access to like he does with things like Discovery Ed and iCurio. Overall, the information in all the videos not only taught me a lot about what life in the classroom is really like in today's world but also encouraged me that it is possible to incorporate these tings effectively.


  1. It's always great to learn new things! I like how excited you write.
    Don't feel to discouraged about the youth having a better understanding of technology. Their young minds don't have to adapt to the new ideas, they simply absorb them as another part of the world they are already learning about.
    And FYI there is a typo in the final line. "incorporate these TINGS effectively."
    Good luck in your endeavors!

  2. I learned a lot as well from watching all of Anthony's videos. I get discouraged with some technology too, but Aaron is right. We are older and we have to retrain our brains. Children simply learn it. When I was a kid I could remember just learning how to use a computer with no problems, but now that I am older it is a little more difficult learning how to use new technology. For example, learning how to use a Mac. I love my Mac now, but it was very different from what I was use to. Keep up the good work.

  3. I really liked the conversation videos Dr. Strange did with Anthony Capps also! It's nice to see teachers who are really excited about teaching! Like you I really need to start catching up to these kids on technology. But hopefully we will have all these things down pat by the time we graduate and we will continue learning as teachers. I really liked your post, keep up with the good work!

  4. Your right, I too am surprised at how well younger students understand technology, probably better than I understand it myself. This motivates me to want to understand it just as well as they do so that I actually know what I am talking about when teaching with it as an aid.

  5. Hi Hannah,

    I am visiting your blog this week as part of my EDM510 class. You did a good job summarizing what you learned from PBL videos you watched. In EDM510 we also watched the Dr. Strange / Anthony Capps videos and are learning about PBL. Feel free to visit my blog Anastasia Martin EDM 510 Blog to read my post about PBL or for PBL project ideas.

  6. I too was amazed at how intelligent third graders are. I have had to fervently study to understand how to build my personal learning network. I could not believe third graders were doing what I found so difficult with no problems noted. I was inspired. I am for educating students on the benefits of technology as soon as possible.
